Launching this blog now: which has been some time
in the gestation and making. Go to ‘About’ above to see what I will be posting
on. You can subscribe at right…Robust Debate Welcome. You can also cross to
new, related Facebook page. Publishing
and editing as Publisher at John
Leonard Press a range of exceptional and eminent writers and poets. 2012
Releases: Robert Gray’s landmark Collected Poems - ‘Cumulus’; the late great
Peter Steele’s Selected Essays - ‘Braiding the Voices’; Brook Emery’s poetry
volume, ‘Collusion’; and Graeme Miles’ ‘Recurrence’. Writing a prose speculative-non-fiction book on spiritual
perspectives on the feminine – just released – ‘The Divine Woman and the Twin Flame’. An article on the book – why I wrote it - is also posted here. Writing new poems and in final editing of a poetry volume for early
2013 publication, ‘The Book of Assassination’. The title follows the book’s
long, long-line poem on love and the word. Poetry – others and mine, archival
and new, Australian and international – will be posted regularly. Hosting this Monday, 15 October, 7.30
for 8 pm, a new reading/salon, Gilgamesh Readings. Featured writer is one of
Australia’s finest poets Petra White. Free. At Evening Star, corner York and
Cecil Sts, South Melbourne. Reading two
extraordinary new releases, both world-class and both by Melbourne-based
authors: the luminary literary prose of Alison Croggon in her new novel, ‘Black
Spring’ (Walker Books), a rewrite on ‘Wuthering Heights’ among other things;
and Jeff Sparrow’s narrative-journalistic ‘Money Shot – A Journey into Porn and
Censorship’ (Scribe). Will also be posting
on both. The blog has an ‘Inspire’ tag – about the work of others. Check a
brilliant Australian-based initiative to provide tech-savvy downloadable apps
which provide teenagers (and younger ones and adults if interested) with
accessible, intelligent and practical short meditations about mindfulness. I’ve
been practising the first one –
highly commend the site and not for profit project: go to: smiling mind

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